
Alargamento do prazo do concurso de bolsas FCT

Anúncio da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia:

Na sequência do reforço do Orçamento para a Ciência e Tecnologia e das medidas para o desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico anunciadas pelo Governo, torna-se possível antecipar já para Outubro de 2006 a data de início das bolsas que venham a ser concedidas no âmbito do concurso aberto recentemente pela FCT, quando satisfeitas as condições exigíveis.
Assim a FCT decidiu alargar o prazo para entrega de candidaturas até ao dia 17 de Abril (inclusive).

Mais informações:
Tel: 21 392 43 10/1
Fax: 21 396 43 96;

Reforço do Orçamento para Ciência e Tecnologia

Mais 250 milhões de euros para ciência e tecnologia em 2007

in Público [30 Março]

>Reforçar em 250 milhões de euros o investimento público, nacional e comunitário, em ciência e tecnologia no Orçamento para 2007

> Reduzir em 25 por cento os actuais centros de investigação

> Acabar com o financiamento de cursos de ensino superior com menos de 20 alunos em primeira inscrição e pólos de ensino superior que não satisfaçam limites minímos de desempenho

> Aumentar em mais de 60 por cento as bolsas de doutoramento e de pós-doutoramento no ano de 2006 e criação de um novo tipo de bolsas: de integração na investigação para estudantes de licenciatura e mestrado integradaos em centros de investigação. Para o ano lectivo de 2006-2007 serão concedidas 5000 novas bolsas

> Viabilizar a contratação pelas instituições científicas de 500 novos investigadores doutorados até ao final de 2007

> Apoiar financeiramente o registo internacional de patentes. Serão disponibilizados este ano 500 mil euros para co-financiar o processo de registo

> Estimular o investimento das empresas em investigação e desenvolvimento. Tornar obrigatório que, nos investimentos públicos de maior dimensão, as empresas envolvidas tenham de afectar uma percentagem mínima, entre 0,5 por cento a um por cento do total do investimento para projectos de investigação e desenvolvimento a realizar em território nacional

> Reforçar a intervenção do Programa Ciência Viva junto das escolas e das famílias

Governo quer chegar, no fim da legislatura, a um investimento em ciência de um por cento do PIB. O anúncio de mais investimento em ciência e tecnologia, feito ontem pelo primeiro-ministro no debate mensal, foi elogiado pela oposição que, no entanto, pediu mais: critérios claros nalguns cortes que vão ser feitos, mais apoio à investigação privada e rigor na atribuição de bolsas.


Philanthropy in support of R&D

A conference considering the role of private donation in the funding of European research has highlighted the need for transnational, European-scale foundations.

An expert report on the role of philanthropy in funding European research was published in January 2006.

The report, which examines ways to increase charity donations, states that too little attention is paid to the role of foundations and other charitable bodies in the field of research and therefore, the potential is currently not being fully realised. In the EU-25, only the UK has a well-developed donation and charity culture.

The study suggests a number of initiatives to encourage foundation funding of research in Europe. These include improving the regulatory and fiscal environment for foundations and improving conditions for cross-border donations.

Philanthropic 'instruments' include fundraising organisations, endowments providing research grants, family- and trustee-controlled foundations, corporate foundations, including those promoted by financial institutions and university foundations.

PRO INNO call for proposals

The European Commission has published a call for proposals for the PRO INNO Europe initiative under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6).

The call has been divided into three strands:

- INNO-Policy Watch (4.5 million euro);
- INNO-Views (0.75 million euro);
- INNO-Appraisal (0.5 million euro).

PRO INNO stands for 'promoting innovation in Europe' and is particularly addressing publicly funded innovation policy initiatives and public-private partnerships in support of innovation.

[full details of the call

Innovation Policy in Europe web site

OECD Factbook 2006

Economic, Environmental and Social Statistics


Social Sciences and Humanities in FP6

The European Commission has put together a catalogue of the latest research funded in the area of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) under the Sixth Framework Programme.

The funded activities are grouped into seven research areas:

> Improving the generation, distribution and use of knowledge and its impact on economic and social development;
> Options and choices for the development of a knowledge-based society;
> The paths towards knowledge society;
> The implications of European integration and enlargement for governance and the citizen;
> Articulation of areas of responsibility and new forms of governance;
> Resolution of conflicts and restoration of peace and justice; and
> New forms of citizenship and cultural identities.

Social Sciences and Humanities

The European Commission has put together a catalogue of the latest research funded in the area of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) under the Sixth Framework Programme.

The funded activities are grouped into seven research areas:

> Improving the generation, distribution and use of knowledge and its impact on economic and social development;
> Options and choices for the development of a knowledge-based society;
> The paths towards knowledge society;
> The implications of European integration and enlargement for governance and the citizen;
> Articulation of areas of responsibility and new forms of governance;
> Resolution of conflicts and restoration of peace and justice; and
> New forms of citizenship and cultural identities.


State aid for R&D

EU Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes has given details of a new 'Framework for State Aid for Research and Development (R&D) and Innovation', on which the Commission is currently working.

PAXIS manual

PAXIS manual: describes the best practices in innovation policy design, financing and start-up creation

The PAXIS Manual for Innovation Policy Makers and Practitioners:
Analysis and transfer of innovation tools, methodologies and policy




Europe4Researchers Newsletter
Issue 4 - March 2006

Euraton - rules for the participation

COM(2006) 42 final

Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (Euratom) laying down the rules for the participation of undertakings, research centres and universities in actions under the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community and for the dissemination of research results (2007-2011)


ESF funding for workshops 2007

ESF - Call for Proposals for workshops to be held in 2007, across all scientific domains

The focus of the scheme is on projects aiming to open up new directions in research or to explore emerging research fields with potential impact on new developments in science. Proposals should demonstrate the potential for initiating follow-up research activities and/or developing future collaborative actions. Interdisciplinary topics are encouraged.

Proposals may be submitted in any or across several of the following broad scientific fields:
- Biomedical Sciences

- Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Physical and Engineering Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Humanities
- Science driven issues of Research Infrastructures in any of the above fields

The deadline for submitting proposals is 2 May 2006 (midnight CET).


Empresas a operar em Portugal 'chumbam' Plano Tecnológico

O Plano Tecnológico lançado pelo Governo de José Sócrates não terá qualquer efeito, ou terá um efeito pouco relevante para as empresas, segundo um inquérito realizado pela Deloitte a mais de 231 sociedades a operar em Portugal.

European research in action

9 thematic leaflets available in 20 languages
European Basic Research Policy Website

Infrastructures Europe

A survey of European research infrastructures is set to consider the uniqueness of these structures in various disciplines, their openness of access and their financial importance.

European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)

NSF indicators 2006

Science and Engineering Indicators - 2006 [pdf]


Innovative Europe - Aho Group Report

Creating an Innovative Europe
Report of the Independent Expert Group on R&D and Innovation appointed following the Hampton Court Summit

RTD Info 48 - Oceans

N° 48 - February 2006
The Oceans and climate