
Science and Public PolicyVolume 32, Number 5, 1 October 2005
Special issue on Evaluation of European Union Framework Programmes: the 2004 Five-Year Assessment.


Cursos de especialização tecnológica - discussão pública


O Conselho de Ministros aprovou na generalidade um projecto de decreto-lei que visa regular os cursos de especialização tecnológica e que se encontra disponível neste sítio para discussão pública, até 31 de Janeiro de 2006, para posterior análise na especialidade. Todos os contributos devem ser enviados para mctes@mctes.gov.pt .

Quebra de alunos no ensino superior

in Público

A tendência já existia mas acentuou-se em 2004/2005: no último ano lectivo, o número de alunos inscritos no ensino superior sofreu uma quebra de 3,7 por cento face ao ano precedente. Em 2003/2004, a diminuição ficou-se pelos 1,4 por cento.
Por regiões, os dados do INE mostram que foi no Alentejo que se deu a maior diminuição (menos 21 por cento). Mas se esta região tem um peso fraco, em termos de inscritos, a nível nacional, já no caso de Lisboa - que concentrava em 2004/2005 cerca de metade dos alunos a frequentar este subsistema - a redução de nove por cento acaba por assumir uma importância maior.
Segundo dados do Observatório da Ciência e do Ensino Superior, entre 1997 e 2004 o ensino particular perdeu cerca de 15 mil alunos, ou seja, à volta de 20 por cento da população matriculada nos cursos de formação inicial.


Orçamento FP7

Council reaches agreement on Financial Perspectives [notícia]

The final agreement, as proposed by the UK Presidency ahead of the Brussels summit, states that 'EU funding for research should [...] be increased such that by 2013 the resources available are 75 per cent higher in real terms than in 2006'.

Convite FP6 - avian/pandemic influenza

Call for tenders for support to policies on avian and pandemic influenza.

The call comes under the Sixth Framework Programme's activity 'Policy support and anticipating scientific and technological needs'.
The call addresses the following areas:
- new and more environmentally friendly production methods to improve animal health and welfare including research on animal diseases such as foot and mouth disease, swine fever and development of market vaccines;
- public health issues, including epidemiology contributing to disease prevention and responses to emerging rare and communicable diseases, allergies, procedures for secure blood and organ donations, non-animal tests.

Closing Date(s): 22 March 2006 at 17.00 (Brussels local time)
OJ Reference: OJ C325 of 22.12.2005

Convite FP6 - 'Scientific support to policies'

Call for proposals in the area of 'Scientific support to policies'

The areas covered by this call are:
> Sustainable management of Europe's natural resources
> Providing health, security and opportunity to the people of Europe
> Underpinning the economic potential and cohesion of a larger and more integrated European Union

Closing Date(s): 22 March 2006 at 17.00 (Brussels local time)

Official Journal of the European Union
OJ No C 325 of 22.12.2005, p. 29


Fotis Kafatos preside ao ERC

The Scientific Council of the future European Research Council (ERC) has elected Greek malaria expert Professor Fotis Kafatos as its chairman. The 22 member council also elected two vice-chairs: Professor Helga Nowotny and Dr Daniel Estève. [mais]

Propriedade Intelectual agita Cambridge

5 Out. The University Council proposed an IP Policy which gives the University the right to make agreements on IP with sponsors without researchers prior consent.

Campaign for Cambridge Freedoms

Ballot results and controversies
(A breakdown of the results will be published in the 11 January 2006 edition of the Reporter)

Science, 9 December 2005:Vol. 310. no. 5754, p. 1597
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Cambridge University Reins In Faculty Patents, Eliot Marshall
CAMBRIDGE, U.K.--This week, the University of Cambridge is pushing a new policy that would begin requiring all inventors on staff to let the university own and more actively manage staff patents. (
Read more.)

Research Evaluation Vol. 14 No. 1

Is external research funding a valid indicator for research performance?
Laudel, Grit pp. 27-34

Why do academic scientists engage in interdisciplinary research?
Carayol, Nicolas; Thuc Uyen Nguyen Thi pp. 70-79


ERA-NET Norface

A Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia tornou-se recentemente membro efectivo no projecto ERA-NET NORFACE , que visa a coordenação dos programas nacionais em Ciências Sociais a nível europeu, com vista à criação de um Espaço Europeu de Investigação.

Para que a comunidade científica portuguesa possa participar activamente nas actividades de inserção em rede e nos concursos de financiamento de acções transnacionais, estamos a proceder a uma ampla divulgação desta rede e das próximas actividades através da difusão da sua newsletter, onde poderão ser encontradas as datas e os temas previstos para 2006.

Europe4Researchers Newsletter

Special Issue - December 2005

Cooperação com os Balcãs

The European Commission has published a call for proposals in the area of 'international cooperation with the Western Balkan countries (WBC)' under the Sixth Framework Programme's 'International Cooperation' activity.

Official Journal of the European Union
OJ No C 322 of 17.12.2005, p. 18

Descartes Prize - abertura de convite para nomeações

The European Commission has published a call for proposals to gather nominations for the 2006 René Descartes Prizes, under the Sixth Framework Programme's 'Science and Society' priority. The areas covered by this call are:

i) Descartes Prize (research) - prize for teams having achieved outstanding scientific or technological results from European collaborative research in any field of science, including the economic, social and human sciences. Proposals may be submitted by the research teams themselves, or by appropriate public or private organisations.

ii) Descartes Prize (communication) - prize for organisations or individuals having achieved outstanding results in science communication and having been selected as winners by European and/or national organisations which carry out awards in the following fields: - professional scientists and/or communicators engaged in science communication to the public; - popularising science through the written word (e.g. newspaper articles, popular science books, editorial policies); - popularising science through audio-visual and electronic media (e.g. scientific television or radio documentaries, websites, editorial policies); - innovative action for science communication; - communicators at the start of their career (e.g. first project, young talents) in all the above categories.

The total indicative budget for this call is 1.425 million euro.

Official Journal of the European Union
OJ No C 322 of 17.12.2005, p. 22


Concurso aberto: ERA-NET PathoGenoMics

No âmbito da ERA-NET PathoGenoMics - "Trans-European cooperation and coordination of genome sequencing and functional genomics of human-pathogenic microorganisms" encontra-se aberto o primeiro Concurso para Projectos de Investigação Transnacionais.

Call Text

Mais informações:
Maria José Camecelha de Abreu


Redução no Orçamento do 7PQ

Janez POTOČNIK, European Commissioner for Science and Research (discurso)

“I do not think we will get all the funds for Framework 7 that Europe needs and that the Commission had asked for. As we will have to adjust for a smaller budget for Framework 7 than we had anticipated, we will have to prioritise and focus our resources on those topics that have the greatest added value, both in terms of the European dimension and in terms of transforming knowledge into growth,” he said.

European Technology Platforms: making the move to implementation

Seminar of Industrial Leaders of European Technology PlatformsBrussels, 16 December 2005

Avaliação do Ensino Superior

EUA’s Institutional Evaluation Programme will be conducting the evaluation of 10 Portuguese institutions in 2006, with the possibility of 10 more in 2007.

At a launch ceremony on 21 November 2005, the Prime Minister of Portugal, José Sócrates, talked about the importance of education and increasing the level of qualifications of the Portuguese population for national development, and the role of the universities in this process.

The teams are composed of European institutional leaders (rectors and vice rectors) and, in the case of Portugal, of North American university presidents.

Gestão de C&T em Portugal: divulgação de relatório

O presente Relatório identifica as dificuldades e bloqueios que se têm verificado nos anos mais
recentes, na gestão, execução e acompanhamento das acções do Programa Operacional POCI
(anteriormente POCTI)

Relatório: Aproximar a gestão de ciência e tecnologia em Portugal das melhores práticas internacionais
Novembro de 2005

Novo coordenador para o Plano Tecnológico

in Diário de Notícias

O Governo nomeou ontem o deputado socialista Carlos Zorrinho como novo coordenador para o Plano Tecnológico, uma decisão surpreendente, tendo em conta que o antecessor, Miguel Lebre de Freitas, esteve em funções pouco menos de um mês.


Exposição: Química Viva - Química Segura

Inaugura-se, às 18 horas de dia 15 de Dezembro de 2005, na sala de exposições temporárias do Museu de Ciência da Universidade de Lisboa, a exposição intitulada "QUÍMICA VIVA - QUÍMICA SEGURA".
Esta exposição tem como tema a segurança em laboratórios escolares e de investigação de Química bem como a segurança nas nossas casas na utilização de produtos químicos domésticos.

16 de Dezembro de 2005 a 17 de Março de 2006
De segunda a sexta: das 10h às 13h e das 14h às 17h; Sábado: das 15h às 18h


Plataformas Tecnológicas - serviço informativo actualizado

CORDIS European Technology Platforms
> central information tool summarising the emerging initiatives in areas such as hydrogen and fuel cells, nanoelectronics, water supply and sanitation, plant genomics and biotechnology, mobile and wireless communications, innovative medicines, aeronautics, embedded systems and steel.


EU Research - ERC

ERC moves forward despite budget impasse

Last week the European Research Council's (ERC) scientific council elected Fotis Kafatos as chair. The ERC, which is supposed to award its first grants in 2007, is facing ongoing uncertainty over how much of its proposed EUR1.5 billion yearly budget will be consumed by disagreements over the total EU budget.

Science http://www.sciencemag.org 310 9 December 2005 p.1599
See also: Nature 438 8 December 2005 p.723

(via SPIN)


Improving Financial Literacy - Analysis of Issues and Policies

The first major study of financial education at the international level, contributes to the development of consumer financial literacy by providing information to policy makers on effective financial education programmes and by promoting the exchange of views and the sharing of experience in the field of financial education and awareness.

Innovation Data - Oslo revisited

The Measurement of Scientific and Technological Activities
Oslo Manual - Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Innovation Data, 3rd Edition

Proposed Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Technological Innovation Data (1997)


I&D na EU25

Portugal na cauda da Europa em investigação
in Público

Despesa de I&D caiu 4,3 por cento ao ano, em termos reais, entre 2001 e 2003
O Governo de José Sócrates vai ter muito que trabalhar se quiser colocar Portugal ao nível dos melhores no que diz respeito a investigação e desenvolvimento (I&D). As despesas a este nível, em Portugal, recuaram 4,3 por cento ao ano, em termos reais, entre 2001 e 2003, o pior comportamento entre os países da União Europeia (UE), segundo revelou ontem o Eurostat.O Departamento de Estatísticas das Comunidades Europeias (Eurostat) revela que a despesa de I&D em Portugal, em 2003, ficou em 1,02 mil milhões de euros, representando 0,78 por cento do PIB, pior do que os 0,85 por cento do PIB que representava em 2001. [...]

News Release
06-DEZ-2005 11:00 AM
In relation to GDP, EU25 R&D expenditure stable at 1.9% in 2004
Summary: In 2004 the EU25 spent nearly 200 billion euro on Research & Development (R&D). R&D intensity (i.e. expenditure as a percentage of GDP) in the EU25 stood at 1.90% compared to 1.92% in 2003. R&D intensity remained significantly lower in the EU25 than in other major economies. In 2003, R&D expenditure was 2.59% of GDP in the United States, 3.15% in Japan, while it was 1.31% in China. R&D expenditure in the EU25 rose by 1.3% in real terms on average per year between 2001 and 2004, compared to -0.1% in the United States and +1.8% in Japan between 2001 and 2003.

Eurostat (home)
> Dez2005: First preliminary results: Research & Development in the EU
> Fev2005: EU25 spent nearly 2% of GDP on Research and Development in 2002
R & D expenditure in the European Union


FP6 - abertura de convite "Ciência e Sociedade"

Bringing research closer to society - call for proposals

The European Commission has published a call for proposals entitled 'Bringing research closer to society - promoting science and scientific culture'. It is published under the Science and Society thematic priority of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6). The call addresses the following areas: - civil society organisations; - co-productions; - European dimension of science weeks and science festivals. The total indicative budget for the call is 3.5 million euro

Category: Tender
Data Source Provider: Official Journal of the European Union
Document Reference: Dz.U. C 300 z 30.11.2005 r.
Subject index: Scientific Research, Social Aspects
Programme Acronym: FP6-SOCIETY


Finding the essence of a tool for innovators - Intellectual property
Nov 2005 issue


The Competitiveness Council has reached a provisional agreement on the structure of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).